David Gates
- 1 Total Dependance on God - Learning to Trust, Obey and Let Go...David GatesDel på FacebookSeTotal Dependance on God - Learning to Trust, Obey and Let Go.1:09:01David GatesPrepare NOW for the Final Battle1 emneEngelsk
- 2 Divine Principles of Management - Learning to be God's Stewa...David GatesDel på FacebookSeDivine Principles of Management - Learning to be God's Stewards.1:57:37David GatesPrepare NOW for the Final Battle1 emneEngelsk
- 3 Protocols of Ambassadorship - Qualifications of God's Repres...David GatesDel på FacebookSeProtocols of Ambassadorship - Qualifications of God's Representatives.46:02David GatesPrepare NOW for the Final Battle1 emneEngelsk
- 4 Conquering and to Conquer - Participating in Earth's Final C...David GatesDel på FacebookSeConquering and to Conquer - Participating in Earth's Final Conquest.1:21:18David GatesPrepare NOW for the Final Battle1 emneEngelsk
- 5 Extreme Commitment - Learning to Follow the Lamb.David GatesDel på FacebookSeExtreme Commitment - Learning to Follow the Lamb.1:21:51David GatesPrepare NOW for the Final Battle1 emneEngelsk
- 6 To Him that Overcometh - God's Special Forces.David GatesDel på FacebookSeTo Him that Overcometh - God's Special Forces.1:48:39David GatesPrepare NOW for the Final Battle1 emneEngelsk